Yoshindo Yoshihara Tachi


Tachi signed Yoshihara saku, Heisei 11 nen 8 gatsu (August, 1999)

This lovely shinogi tsukuri tachi, in shirasaya with gold foil habaki, is forged in a flawless tight ko-itame. It has a longish chu kissaki. The shinogi ji is narrow with a bohi running into the ko-shinogi at the top, and halfway down the nakago at the bottom, ending in kakinagashi. It has a deep and balanced torii zori.

Yoshindo Yoshihara is a mukansa smith known for his work in the Bizen tradition. This blade is tempered in a notare-based midare choji with ashi, turning to a ko-midare with ashi in the boshi, with a pointed komaru turnback. It is in its original polish which we judge to be by a member of the Fujishiro school.

Nagasa: 29 inches, 73.6 cm, 2.41 shaku

Nakago: Ubu with ha-agare kuri jiri, katte agari yasurime, 1 mekugi ana