Art of the Sword The Bulletin of the JSSUS. Edited by Bruce Kowalski and James McElhinney. Volume 2, 1989. Volume 3, 1990. Two copies of volume 2. One copy of volume 3. In like-new condition.
$20.00 each + shipping
Volume 2, 1989: Articles include Swords of Owari by Kentaro Yoshikawa; The Yamashiro Tradition of Swordmaking by Kensho Furuya; Benjamin Smith Lyman and the Geological Survey of Japan (1872-1879);Metallurgical and Other Features of Japanese Swords (December 6 1895) by Benjamin Sith Lyman.
Volume 3, 1990: Articles include Owari Tsuba by Wakayama Homatsu;Thoughts regarding Owari tsuba as predecessors of Akasaka tsuba by Matsumoto Seiji; Shinto Yokoyama Bizen-to by Bruce Kowalski.
Both volumes are profusely illustrated with photographs and oshigata.