Glossary from Harry Watson's translation of Nihonto Koza, used by permission of Mr. Watson

Just posted a glossary of Nihonto terminology in the Articles section to aid in the understanding of some of our descriptions. Jargon is basically a necessary evil in the study of Japanese swords, as the Japanese vocabulary is very specific and frequently has no direct English equivalent. From time to time, i will be expanding the glossary from Mr. Watson's extended works. i will also be adding basic definitions that he has assumed are common enought to be left out of his works. My additions will be in Italics to denote the difference in authorship. I highly recommend Harry Watson's translations of Fujishiro and Nihonto Koza. If you can find them, they are invaluable English resources for the student of Nihonto. I am grateful to Mr. Watson both for his erudite translations of essential references to the study of nihonto, and for his permission to use excerpts from his many glossaries on this web site.